Lolli, Eude

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LOLLI, EUDE (1826–1904), Italian rabbi and university professor. Lolli was born in Gorizia. He was the son of Samuel Vita Lolli, and thus first cousin of Samuel David *Luzzatto (Shadal). He was educated at the lyceum of Gorizia. From 1845 to 1846 he attended the Rabbinical College of Padua, graduating in 1854. In 1865, upon the death of his cousin and mentor, Samuel David Luzzatto, he was appointed professor at the Rabbinical College of Padua, thus taking the chair of Shadal. Eude held the appointment until the institution was finally closed in 1871. In the last six years of its existence Lolli and Lelio Della Torre were the only teachers there. In 1869 he was elected chief rabbi of Padua, and in 1877 he became lecturer in, and in 1886 professor of, Hebrew and Chaldaic at the University of Padua. Lolli wrote the Dizionario del Linguaggio Ebraico-Rabbinico (Padua, 1869); Prelezione ad un Corso di Lingua Ebraica e Caldaica (1877); and Corso di Grammatica della Lingua Ebraica (1878). He also contributed a large section to S.D. Luzzatto's La Sacra Bibbia Volgarizzata (1872). Lolli was a supporter of Zionism, both cultural and political. However he stressed in his writings that Zionism was a solution only for those Jews who lived in countries where they were persecuted, and not for Jews living in Western Europe, such as Italy's Jewry.

david lolli (1825–1884), brother of Eude, was an Italian physician and patriot. He was born in Gorizia; he studied medicine at Padua and Vienna. At the outbreak of the Italian war for liberation against Hapsburg Austria in 1848, he abandoned his studies and hastened to join the University of Padua's Artillery Battalion. Lolli took part in the unsuccessful attempt to hold Vicenza, and then joined the garrison guarding Venice against the Austrian army. When cholera broke out in the besieged city, Lolli was also stricken. On his recovery he returned to his native city, Gorizia, but subsequently established himself as a physician at Trieste. He continued to agitate for the independence of Italy and, consequently, often incurred great danger. Thus in 1859 he joined the Sardinian army that was fighting against the Austrians as an army doctor, although he was an Austrian subject.

Lolli wrote much on various medical subjects such as psychology and magnetism as well as on patriotic themes. He published the monographs Sul Magnetismo Animale, Pubblicato Nell' Occasione di Conseguire la Laurea (Padua, 1850); Sulla Migliare, Due Parole di Occasione (Trieste, 1857); Sii Forte e Sarai Libero (Seneca): Sii Libero e Sarai Forte (Milan, 1860, published anonymously for political reasons); I Numi (Milan, 1866), a symbolic story, published under the pseudonym "Aldo Apocalissio"; Sul Cholera (Trieste, 1866); and L'Amore dal Lato Fisiologico, Filosofico, e Sociale (Milan, 1883).


eude lolli: M. Del Bianco Controzzi, Il Collegio Rabbinico di Padova, Un' istituzione religiosa dell' ebraismo sulla via dell' Emancipazione, Storia dell' Ebraismo in Italia, Studi e testi xvii (1995), 238–39, passim; A. Cavaglion, "Tendenze nazionali ed albori sionistici," in: G. Luzzatto Voghera and C. Vivanti (eds.), Gli ebrei in Italia ii, Storia d'Italia, Annali, 11 (1997), 1300; M. Mortara, Indice alfabetico dei rabbini e scrittori israeliti di cose giudaiche in Italia, con richiami bibliografici e note illustrative (1886), 35; G. Tamani, "Gli studi ebraici a Padova nei secoli xvii–xx," in: Quaderni per la storia dell' Università di Padova, 9–10 (1976–77), 215–28, esp. 223. david lolli: T. Haneman, "David Lolli," s.v., in: The Jewish Encyclopedia, 8 (1906), 152–53; S., Foà, Gli ebrei nel Risorgimento italiano (1978), 49.

[Samuele Rocca (2nd ed.)]

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