Katz, Daniel
KATZ, DANIEL (1903–1998), U.S. psychologist. Born in Trenton, New Jersey, Katz was the world's first recipient of a doctorate in a formal program of study in social psychology, which he received from Syracuse University in 1928. Conducting some of the earliest empirical research on stereotyping, his studies at Princeton with Kenneth Braly on the nature of ethnic stereotypes eventually became models for subsequent generations of research on prejudice. He was appointed instructor at Princeton in 1924 and in 1940 became associate professor. In 1943 he became chair of Brooklyn College's newly formed department of psychology.
Katz joined the Office of War Information in 1943 as a research director. After the war, he joined the staff of the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center, which subsequently became a branch of the Institute for Social Research. Katz was later appointed to the university's psychology department as well. Katz served as president of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues and earned a number of career awards for his contributions to social psychology.
A leader in social psychology and public-opinion research, Katz served on the editorial boards of many journals in his field. He co-authored Social Psychology (with R.L. Schanck, 1938), Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences (with L. Festinger, 1953), The Social Psychology of Organizations (with R. Kahn, 1966), Bureaucratic Encounters (with the University of Michigan, 1975), and The Study of Organizations (with R. Kahn and J. Adams, 1980).
[Ruth Beloff (2nd ed.)]