Jocham, Magnus

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Noted moral theologian; b. Rieder-bei-Immenstadt, March 23, 1808; d. Freising, March 4, 1893. Jocham is referred to also with the pseudonym "Johannes Clericus." He was engaged in pastoral work from 1841 to 1878, thus providing himself with valuable experience for his later work as professor of moral theology at the Freising lyceum. In this position, which he assumed in 1878, he soon developed a keen interest in Thomistic moral theology. Much stimulated by the organic unity of dogma and moral in St. Thomas's Summa theologiae, and relying to a great extent upon J. M. sailer and J. B. hirs cher, he produced his Moral-theologie oder die Lehre vom Christl. Leben nach den Grundsätzen der Kath. Kirche (Sulzbach 185254). This is a moral theology in the sense of a doctrine of sacramental fulfillment and was directed against the rationalism and moralism current at the time. Jocham also contributed much by means of numerous translations, as well as the composition of many pastoralascetical treatises.

Bibliography: m. jocham, Memoiren eines Obskuranten (Kempten 1896). p. hadrossek, Die Bedeutung des Systemgedankens für die Moraltheologie in Deutschland seit der Thomas-Renaissance (Munich 1950).

[e. lewis]

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