Horowitz, David Joshua Hoeschel ben Zevi Hirsch Ha-Levi

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HOROWITZ, DAVID JOSHUA HOESCHEL BEN ZEVI HIRSCH HA-LEVI (1760–1825), rabbi and author. In his youth, David Joshua studied under his father, Ẓevi Hirsch *Horowitz, author of Maḥaneh Levi, under his grandfather, Phinehas b. Ẓevi Hirsch *Horowitz, author of Hafla'ah, and then under his father-in-law, Eleazar Kaliz. In 1795 Horowitz was appointed rabbi of Floss, Bavaria, and from 1822 until his death served as rabbi of Frauenkirchen, Hungary. He wrote a commentary on the Sifrei entitled Kunteres Aharon, as an appendix to his edition of the Sifrei (Sulzbach, 1802). Horowitz' halakhic novellae are included in the works of his father-in-law, Or Ḥadash to Kiddushin (Stettin, ed. 1860) and responsa Ḥeker Halakhah (1898, 81b–87a). Moses *Sofer refers to Horowitz in a responsum (Responsa Ḥatam Sofer, eh pt. 2 (1829) no. 116, p. 54a) as "the great, exceptionally perspicacious, luminary."


J.J. (L.) Greenwald (Grunwald), Pe'erei Ḥakhmei Medinatenu (1910), 63 no. 10; H.D. Friedberg, Toledot Mishpaḥat Horowitz (19282), 18 no. 29/2; P.Z. Schwartz, Shem ha-Gedolim me-Ereẓ Hagar, 1 (1913), 26a no. 47.

[Yehoshua Horowitz]

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Horowitz, David Joshua Hoeschel ben Zevi Hirsch Ha-Levi

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