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HALPHEN , family of Alsatian origin. They included achille-edmond halphen, who compiled the standard collection of documents on French Jewish history Recueil des lois, décrets, ordonnances… concernant les Israélites depuis la Révolution de 1789 (1851); fernand halphen (1872–1918), Parisian composer, who was a pupil of Massenet and Fauré, and composed several orchestral pieces and songs, a one-act opera, and a sonata for violin and piano; georges-henri halphen (1844–1889), mathematician, born in Rouen, who taught at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and became a member of the Académie des Sciences: in 1881 his work on the classification of curves was granted an award by the Berlin Academy; alice fernand-halphen (d. 1963) author of a monograph on Gracia Mendes *Nasi (1929); and louis *halphen, historian.


Sendrey, Music, nos. 7889–90 (on F. Halphen); H. Poincaré, Savants et écrivains (1910), 125–40; E. Picard, Mélanges de mathématiques et de physiques (1924), 1–11.

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