Gratian, Jerome

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Theologian, collaborator with St. Teresa, and writer; b. Valladolid, 1545; d. Brussels, Sept. 21, 1614. His father was Diego Gracián, secretary to Philip II. After finishing his studies at the University of Alcalá, Jerome was ordained (1570). Attracted to the Teresian Reform, he took the habit at Pastrana (April 25, 1572), and was professed there the following year. Although professed only four months, he was appointed apostolic visitor to Andalusia and filled that office with courage, prudence, and diligence amid many difficulties. At his first meeting with the mother foundress (May 1575), he won her confidence and kept it until she died (1582). His misfortunes began with the death of St. Teresa. He was elected first provincial of the Discalced Carmelites by a narrow margin at Alcalá (1581). Soon after completing his term of office, he found himself at odds with Nicholas Doria, his successor, concerning the regime and observance; as a result, he was prosecuted on charges of rebellion and was finally expelled from the Reform (Feb. 17, 1592), in the establishment of which his collaboration had been so important to St. Teresa. After his expulsion, his misfortunes increased: his appeal to the Holy See failed; he was rejected by various religious orders; he was captured by Turkish pirates (1593). After two years of hard labor in prison, he was rescued. Finally, the pope authorized him to live among the Calced Carmelites (1596); from 1596 to 1600 he remained in Rome as private theologian of Cardinal Deza. Returning to Spain, he engaged in an intensive apostolate until 1607, when he accompanied the ambassador of Philip II to the Low Countries and took up residence with the Calced Carmelites of Brussels, where he died. He has remained a controversial figure down to the present time, although all agree that he was one of the most important persons in the first 25 years of the Teresian Reform.

Bibliography: a. del marmol, Excelencias, vida y trabajos del P. Jerónimo Gracián (Valladolid 1619). silverio de santa teresa, Historia del Carmen Descalzo en España, Portugal y América, 15 v. (Burgos 193549) 6:5606. alberto de la virgen del carmen, "Doctrina ascético-mística del V. P. Gracián," Revista de Espiritualidad 1 (1941) 7388; 2 (1942) 156185. allesandro di s. giov., "Spiritualitá cristocentrica del P. Graziano," Vita Carmelitana 3 (1942) 5765. j. huijben, "Gratien et les perfectistes," Études Carmélitaines 18 (1933) 237243.

[o. rodriguez]

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