Flodoard (Frodoard) of Reims

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Historian; b. Epernay?, c. 894; d. Reims, March 28,966. He was involved in the synod of Ingelheim (948) and in the episcopal disputes of his time. As canon at Reims, he had charge of the archives. He was elected bishop of Noyon-Tournai (951), but was not installed. In about 930 he wrote in epic hexameter the De triumphis Christi sanctorumque Palestinae, the De triumphis Christi Antiochae gestis, and the De triumphis Christi apud Italiam. The last of these is the most important, since it touches on contemporary events. His Annales, covering the years 919 to 966, is a basic source for the history of northern France and Germany for that period. In 946, he finished the important Historia Remensis ecclesiae (History of the Church of Reims), in four books. The Annales and Historia relate ecclesiastical reaction to contemporary events. The author often cited his sources and reproduced the documents.

Bibliography: Editions. Patrologia Latina 135; Les Annales de Flodoard, ed. p. lauer (Paris 1905); Monumenta Germanica: Scriptores 3:363408; poems in Patrologia Latina 135:491886; Historia Remensis ecclesiae, ed. j. heller and g. waitz in Monumenta Germanica: Scriptores 13:405599. Literature. h. platelle, Catholicisme 4: 1348. t. schieffer, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche (Freiburg 195765) 4:169.

[b. lacroix]

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