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ETTENDORF , township in the Bas-Rhin department, France. Two Jewish families were recorded in the town in 1449. In 1784 the Jewish population of Ettendorf reached its peak of 124, but from the Revolution, it steadily declined; there were 37 Jews there in 1868 and only one family in 1926. The Ettendorf community, though small, possessed two important institutions, which also served about 20 other communities in Lower Alsace: a cemetery opened during the late 15th century and a talmudical school established in the middle of the 18th century.


D. Fischer, Ein geschichtlicher Blick auf… Ettendorf (1868); U. Ginsburg, in: Souvenir et Science, 2:1 (1931), 14ff.

[Bernhard Blumenkranz]

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