Cologna (de), Abraham Vita

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COLOGNA (De), ABRAHAM VITA (1754–1832), Italian rabbi. Cologna, then serving in *Mantua, was a delegate to the *Assembly of Jewish Notables convened by Napoleon in 1806. In 1807 he was appointed vice president (ḥakham) of the French *Sanhedrin and in the following year one of the three Grand Rabbins of the central *Consistory, of which he was president from 1812 to 1826. In 1827 Cologna became rabbi of Trieste. He published a collection of sermons and apologetic writings, besides many occasional poems.


Roth, Italy, 441, 443; Graetz, Gesch, 11 (1900), 258, 260ff., 270, 281.

[Attilio Milano]

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