Bryennios, Philotheus

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Orthodox metropolitan and patristic scholar; b. Constantinople, 1833; d. Constantinople, 1914. Philotheus studied at Leipzig, Berlin, and Munich, and from 1861 taught Church history at Chalki. He became the director of the Ecclesiastical Academy at Constantinople in 1867, and metropolitan of Serres in Macedonia in 1875 and of Nicomedia in 1877. He represented the Orthodox Church at an assembly of Old Catholics in Bonn in 1875. His fame rests on his discovery in the library of the hospital of the Holy Sepulcher in Constantinople of a Greek parchment codex that contained the text of the hitherto unknown didache, the Epistle of barnabas, and the Letter of clement i of Rome to the Corinthians.

Bibliography: j. quasten, Patrology (Westminster, Md. 1950) 1:30. j. r. harris, ed., The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Baltimore 1887).

[f. x. murphy]

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