Bernheimer, Charles Seligman

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BERNHEIMER, CHARLES SELIGMAN (1868–1960), U.S. social worker. Bernheimer, who was born in Philadelphia, Pa., served with Jewish welfare and educational organizations during six decades, holding such posts as business secretary of the *Jewish Publication Society of America (1890–1906), executive director of the Hebrew Educational Society of Brooklyn (1910–19), and director of community studies for the *National Jewish Welfare Board (1921–40). He also edited the information bulletin of the Jewish Welfare Board, The Jewish Center, for many years. As assistant head worker of the University Settlement in New York City (1906–10), Bernheimer played a prominent role in support of the workers in the Shirtwaist Strike of 1909 that helped establish modern trade unionism in the garment trades. Bernheimer edited the pioneer study The Russian Jew in the United States (1905), in which he wrote the chapters on Philadelphia. He was coauthor of the book Boys' Clubs (1914) and contributed to many periodicals. His memoirs Half a Century in Community Service were published in 1948.

[Irwin Yellowitz]

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