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BEJERANO , family of Israeli industrialists. The brothers moshe (1902–1951) and shimon (1910–1971) bejerano were born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, and educated in Switzerland. In 1921 they moved with their family to Milan, where they became active Zionists. Shimon settled in Palestine, in 1936, followed by Moshe three years later. Together they founded a cigarette factory, and acquired the Assis factory in Ramat Gan, which they developed into one of the largest syrup and canning enterprises in Israel. They became leaders of the Manufacturers' Association of Israel. Moshe served as Israel's first commercial attaché in Moscow and devoted himself to the development of commercial relations between Israel and the Far East. Shimon was active in the General Zionist Party, which he represented in the Second and Third Knessets.

[Abraham Aharoni]

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