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A 12th-century canonist whose glossae are variously designated by the sigla B., Bar., Bac., Baç., Baça., Baz. has been identified as Bazianus. He has frequently been confused with Joannes Bassianus, better known as a commentator on Roman law but also the author of some canonical literature. Bazianus has been called the first doctor in utroque jure. To which of the two does the distinction belong? Both seem to have worked in both fields. Further confusion has arisen from the use of the siglum Bar. and the later and better known bartholomew of brescia. Bazianus belongs to the school of glossators and is certainly before joannes teutonicus. If, as has been affirmed, he added glosses to the Summa of joannes faventinus, then his period of activity falls in the last half or even the last quarter of the 12th century. It is perhaps safe to say that he was attached to the school of Bologna.

See Also: decretists.

Bibliography: s. kuttner, Repertorium der Kanonistik, (Rome 1937) index s.v. Bazianus. j. f. von schulte, Die Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des kanonischen Rechts (Graz 1956) 1:154156.

[t. p. mclaughlin]

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