Badia, Tommaso

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Theologian and cardinal; b. Modena, 1493 (1483?);d. Rome, Sept. 6, 1547. He was a Dominican from the province of Lombardy, a brilliant professor in Ferrara, Venice, and Bologna, and Master of the Sacred Palace. Badia was strict in condemning heterodoxy but lenient with regard to persons. From 1536 he belonged to the reform group of Cardinal Gasparo contarini. He endorsed the Consilium de emendanda ecclesia and the Consilium quattuor delectorum in 1537, and became a member of the commission for the proposed council at Mantua. Paul III approved the Society of Jesus in 1539 on his recommendation. Badia wrote a letter to Contarini in the diet of Worms of 1540 and the next year was advisor to the cardinal-legate at the diet of Regensburg. He was made a cardinal in 1542 and then a member of the Inquisition. Although in 1543 and 1544 he was a member of the deputation for the Council of Trent, he remained in Rome. Badia has been widely known for learning and virtue, but his writings, letters, and treatises on philosophy and theology have yet to be studied.

Bibliography: m. t. disdier, Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, ed. a. baudrillart et al. (Paris 1912) 6:145. a. walz, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner (Freiburg 195765) 1:118788. a. duval, Catholicisme 1:116162. a. walz, I domenicani al concilio di Trento (Rome 1961).

[a. m. walz]

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