Antibi, Abraham ben Isaac

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ANTIBI, ABRAHAM BEN ISAAC (1765–1858), Syrian talmudist. Antibi, who was born in Aleppo, studied under his father, Isaac Berakhah, and Isaiah Dabah. A scholar of great erudition and acumen, he wrote books on a variety of topics. He ruled his community with a firm hand, making regulations, opposing the inroads of the wealthy, and criticizing the failings of his generation. When his father died he succeeded him, acting as rabbi of Aleppo and head of the bet din. He served approximately 40 years. Antibi studied Kabbalah, and speculated on the date of redemption. His ethical publications established his reputation as a moralist. He also wrote poems, most of which expressed the yearning for redemption and for the revelation of the Divine Presence. In Aleppo some of these were sung on Sabbath eves and on festive occasions, being included in the Bakkashot books. His learning was acknowledged in Ereẓ Israel, and *Israel b. Samuel of Sklov solicited from him a commendation for his book Pe'at ha-Shulḥan (1836). Antibi was host to visiting Ashkenazi scholars and emissaries from Ereẓ Israel and his works incorporated his learned discussions with them. His son Isaac was also a distinguished scholar in Aleppo. Antibi is the author of (1) Yoshev Ohalim (Leghorn, 1825). This work includes Ohel Avraham, sermons on the pentateuchal passages, on the Exodus, and on Passover; Penei ha-Bayit, a treatise on the Torat ha-Bayit of Solomon b. Abraham *Adret; and Ohel Yiẓḥak, some sermons of his father. (2) Mor ve-Aholot (Leghorn, 1843), responsa of Antibi and his father. (3) Ohel Yesharim (Leghorn, 1843), moral discourses and homilies to which are appended some 50 piyyutim. (4) Penei ha-Bayit (Leghorn, 1849), on the Shulḥan Arukh, Ḥm, together with Bet Av by his father. (5) Ḥokhmah u-Musar (Leghorn, 1850), on ethical conduct, to which is added Derekh Ḥukkekha, laws of the festivals, which also contains Ḥukkei Nashim, matrimonial law based chiefly on the responsa of *David b. Solomon Abi Zimra. (6) Penei Ohel Mo'ed (Jerusalem, 1959), homiletical discourses for the special Sabbaths. His works are an important source for the cultural, social, and economic life of the Jews of Syria. To this day legends are current in praise of him and the wonders which he performed.


D.Ẓ. Laniado, Li-Kedoshim asher ba-Areẓ, 1 (1952), 8, 40; J. Avadi Shayev (ed.), Ḥokhmah u-Musar (1962), 5–8 (introd.).

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