Adalgott, Ss.

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Two abbots of Disentis with this name.

Adalgott I, abbot; d. Nov. 1, 1031. A Benedictine monk from the abbey of Einsiedeln, he became abbot of Disentis in 1016. He was interested in monastic reform and the elaboration of the liturgy. According to the Einsiedeln chronicler, who preserves a verse epitaph of him, he was popularly honored as a saint immediately after his death. In 1672 his relics were enshrined in a new church at the abbey.

Feast: Oct 26.

Adalgott II, abbot, and bishop of Chur; d. abbey of Disentis, Switzerland, Oct. 3, 1160. A disciple of bernard of clairvaux, he became abbot of Disentis and bishop of Chur, Switzerland, in 1150 and served in both offices with outstanding devotion until his death. He appears to have been a great benefactor of other religious houses, such as Münster and Schännis, where commemoration of him was later made. He was a figure of some importance in the affairs of the time, being connected with Emperor frederick i barbarossa and the prince bishop of Constance and also with Pope Stephen III, whose fellow student he had been. His feast is still kept in the Diocese of Chur, and his relics were enshrined along with those of Adalgott I in the abbey church in 1672.

Feast: Oct. 3.

Bibliography: Adalgott. Acta Sanctorum Nov. 1:385. i. mÜller, Disentiser Klostergeschichte (Einsiedeln 1942) 75, 81, 236, 268; Lexicon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner (Freiburg 195765) 1:124. a. m. zimmermann, Kalendarium Benedictinum (Metten 193338) 3:222, 224. Adalgott II. i. mÜller, Lexicon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner (Freiburg 195765) 1:124. j. g. mayer, Geschichte des Bist ums Chur (Stans 1907) 206212. l. burgener, Helvetia sancta, 2 v. (New York 1860) 1:79. a. m. zimmermann Kalendarium Benedictinum (Metten 193338) 3:133, 135.

[j. l. grassi]

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