Aaron of Zhitomir

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AARON OF ZHITOMIR (d. 1817), ḥasidic preacher in Zhitomir and other communities in Russia. His homilies on the weekly portions (parashiyyot) were recorded by his pupil Levi of Zhitomir and published in Toledot Aharon (Berdichev, 1817). In these, Aaron refrains from learned commentary and teaches "morality and pursuit of the service of God." Particular emphasis is given to devekut or adhesion to God.


Horodezky, Ḥasidut, 2 (19534), 194–6; Y. Raphael, Sefer ha-Ḥasidut (19554), 221–5.

[Zvi Meir Rabinowitz]

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