
views 1,664,910 updated Jun 11 2018

scap·u·lar / ˈskapyələr/ • adj. Anat. & Zool. of or relating to the shoulder or shoulder blade.• n. 1. a short monastic cloak covering the shoulders. ∎  a symbol of affiliation to an ecclesiastical order, consisting of two strips of cloth hanging down the breast and back and joined across the shoulders.2. Med. a bandage passing over and around the shoulders.


views 2,766,659 updated May 29 2018

scapular monastic garment covering the shoulders. XV. — late L. scapulāre, f. late L. scapula shoulder (anat. in Eng. use XVI), earlier pl. ; see -AR.
So scapulary XIII (scapelori). — AN. *scapelorie, var. of OF. eschapeloyre (XII) — medL. scapelōrium, scapularium; assim. to -ARY.


views 1,944,220 updated May 14 2018

Scapular (Lat., scapulae, ‘shoulder blades’). Part of the Christian religious habit consisting of a piece of cloth worn over the shoulders and hanging down in front and behind. It represents the yoke of Christ (Matthew 11. 29 f.).


views 2,840,443 updated May 21 2018

scapular a short monastic cloak covering the shoulders; a symbol of affiliation to an ecclesiastical order, consisting of two strips of cloth hanging down the breast and back and joined across the shoulders. The word comes (in the late 15th century) from late Latin scapulare, from scapula ‘shoulder’.

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