Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Pictures, and Press Releases
- Dudith (Duditius), Andreas
- Dufay (Du Fay), Charles-François Decisternai
- duffers
- Dufour's gland
- Dufour, Guillaume-Henri
- Dufrènoy, Ours-Pierre-Armand
- dug well
- Dugan, Raymond Smith
- Duggar, Benjamin Minge
- Dugong dugon
- Dugongidae
- Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri-Louis
- Duhamel, Jean-Marie-Constant
- Duke of Argyll's tea-plant
- Dulidae
- Dullaert of Ghent, Jean
- Dulong, Pierre Louis
- dulosis
- dulosis
- Dumbleton, John