Skip to main content - Hikmet, Nazim
- Hildesheimer, Wolfgang
- Hill, Geoffrey (William)
- Hillesum, Etty
- Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, 1927
- Hilsenrath, Edgar
- Hints (Ah Shi) by Fang Fang, c.1991
- Hiroshima Diary
- His Own Where
- Historical Films
- History: A Novel (La Storia: Romanzo)
- Hochwaelder, Fritz
- Hoeg, Peter
- Hoffmann, E(rnst) T(heodore) A(madeus)
- Hofmann, Gert
- Home by Jayne Anne Phillips, 1979
- Home to Harlem
- Hood, Hugh (John Blagdon)
- Hope Is the Last to Die: A Coming of Age Under Nazi Terror (Nadzieja Umiera Ostatnia)
- Hornby, Nick