Journal D'un Médecin Malade

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Faced with the worsening of his illness and thus progressive weakness that made all activity difficult, René Allendy's friends and family conceived the idea of a diary as a way of channeling his mental energies. The Journal d'un médecin malade describes the coming and going of indifferent visitors in the small room to which he was restricted during his illness. As Allendy, a doctor and psychoanalyst, hovered between life and death, the diary lucidly describes his attempt to make sense of his fate and heal himself. Throughout the book he describes the various stages of illness, and provides a reassessment of his life.

Marguerite FrÉmont

See also: Allendy, René Félix Eugène; Autobiography.

Source Citation

Allendy, René. (1944). Journal d'un médecin malade ou Six mois de lutte contre la mort. Paris: Denoël.


Allendy, René. (1932). Various instincts and their development. Psychoanalytic Review, 19 (3), 310-318.

. A case of eczema. (1932). Psychoanalytic Review, 19 (2), 152-163.

. (1932). The mechanism of auto-punishement. Psychoanalytic Review, 19 (1), 72-76.

(1933). Sadism in woman. Psychoanalytic Review, 20, 4: 437-439.

Frémont, Marguerite. (1994). La Vie du Dr René Allendy (1889-1942). Montpellier: Climats.

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