
views updated Jun 08 2018

lam·i·nate • v. / ˈlaməˌnāt/ [tr.] [often as adj.] (laminated) overlay (a flat surface, esp. paper) with a layer of plastic or some other protective material. ∎  manufacture by placing layer on layer. ∎  split into layers or leaves. ∎  beat or roll (metal) into thin plates.• n. / -nit; -ˌnāt/ a laminated structure or material, esp. one made of layers fixed together to form a hard, flat, or flexible material.• adj. / -nit; -ˌnāt/ in the form of a lamina or laminae.DERIVATIVES: lam·i·na·ble / -nəbəl/ adj. lam·i·na·tion / ˌlaməˈnāshən/ n.lam·i·na·tor / -ˌnātər/ n.


views updated May 21 2018

1. Flat and broad, shaped like a leaf.

2. Comprising layers of material.


views updated May 08 2018

laminate Comprising layers (laminae, sing. lamina) of material.


views updated May 29 2018

laminate Comprising layers of material (laminae).

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