
views 2,767,060 updated May 14 2018

pro·vin·cial / prəˈvinshəl/ • adj. 1. of or concerning a province of a country or empire: provincial elections. ∎  of or pertaining to a style of architecture or furniture in fashion in the provinces of various European countries: French Provincial furnishing.2. of or concerning the regions outside the capital city of a country: scenes of violence were reported in provincial towns. ∎  unsophisticated or narrow-minded, esp. when considered as typical of such regions.• n. 1. an inhabitant of a province of a country or empire. ∎  (provincials) (in Canada) athletic contests held between teams representing the country's administrative divisions.2. an inhabitant of the regions outside the capital city of a country, esp. when regarded as unsophisticated or narrow-minded.3. Christian Church the head or chief of a province or of a religious order in a province.DERIVATIVES: pro·vin·ci·al·i·ty / prəˌvinshēˈalətē/·vin·cial·i·za·tion / prəˌvinshələˈzāshən/·vin·cial·ly adv.

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