Provisional Government Proclamation at the Beginning of the Civil War

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Provisional Government Proclamation at the Beginning of the Civil War

29 June 1922

SEE ALSO Civil War; Political Parties in Independent Ireland; Politics: Independent Ireland since 1922

For forty-eight hours the soldiers of your army have unflinchingly borne the brunt of battle against the forces of anarchy in your capital. Some of them have given their lives, and others have been wounded in the defence of your rights as citizens.

You are faced with a conspiracy, whose calculated end is to destroy the Treaty signed by your representatives, and endorsed by yourselves.

Under the Treaty, the government and control of your own country and resources have been surrendered back to you. After centuries of usurpation you are asked to reject this surrender, and to engage in a hopeless and unecssary war with Great Britain.

The people in the Four Courts say they are fighting for a Republic—in reality they are fighting to bring the British back.

Remember, we ask no man or woman to yield to any ideal or principle. Liberty will be secured to all, under constitutional guarantees.

But it will be constitutional liberty, and no man shall be permitted to do violence to the views of his neighbour or to the will of the majority.

Least of all will the profession of ideals and principles be permitted as an excuse of undermining the people's right to security of the person, security of property, and freedom to live their own lives in their own way, as long as they do not trespass on the rights of others.

Fellow citizens, this is what your government stands for, that is what your soldiers are fighting for. In this programme we do not hesitate to turn to you for support in any call which we may be compelled to make on you. Dishonest appeals to your emotions, founded in many cases upon deliberate falsehoods, are being circulated amongst you. Your proven steadiness and good sense will discard these appeals, and discountenence these falsehoods.

Irish Independent, 30 June 1922.

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