Ferneyhough, Brian

views updated May 18 2018

Ferneyhough, Brian (b Coventry, 1943). Eng. composer. Played in and comp. for brass bands. Emigrated to Switzerland 1969. Lect., Freiberg Hochschule für Musik, 1973–86. Taught comp. at Royal Cons., The Hague, 1986–7; prof. of mus., Univ. of Calif., San Diego, from 1987. Mus. of extreme complexity; elec. devices employed in some works. Works incl.: sonatina, 3 cl. and bn. or bcl. (1963); 4 Miniatures, fl., pf. (1965); Prometheus, wind sextet (1965, rev. 1967); Sonata, 2 pf. (1966); 3 Pieces, pf.; Sonatas, str. qt. (1967); Epicycle, 20 str. (1968); Missa brevis, 12 vv. (1969); Cassandra's Dream Song, solo fl. (1971); Sieben Sterne, org. (1969–70); Firecycle Beta, orch. (1969–71); Transit, 6 vv., chamber orch. (1972–4, rev. 1975); Time and Motion Study III, 16 vv., perc., elecs. (1974); Time and Motion Study II, vc., tape, elecs. (1973–6); Unity Capsules, fl. (1975–6); Time and Motion Study I, bcl. (1971–7); Funérailles, str. sextet, db., hp. (1969–77); La Terre est un homme, orch. (1977–8); 2nd str. qt. (1979–80); Lemma-Icon- Epigram, pf. (1981); Superscriptio, piccolo (1981); Carceri d'Invenzione I, chamber orch. (1982), II, fl., chamber orch. (1983–4), III, ww., brass, perc. (1985–6); Adagissimo, str. qt. (1983); Etudes transcendentales, sop., qt. (1982–5); Intermedio alla ciaccona, vn. (1986); Mnemosyne, bfl., tape (1986); 3rd str. qt. (1987); 4th str. qt. (1990); Kurze Schatten, gui. (1983–9); Trittico/per G.S., db. (1989); Terrain, vn., ens. (1992).

Ferneyhough, Brian

views updated Jun 08 2018

Ferneyhough, Brian (1943– ) English composer. His complex, avant-garde compositions include Carceri d'invenzione (1981–86, Imaginary Prisons), a cycle of seven works inspired by the engravings of Giovanni Piranesi. Other works include Transit (1975) for six amplified voices and chamber orchestra, and Time and Motion Studies I–III (1971–77).

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