
views 3,233,086 updated May 21 2018

pleu·ra1 / ˈploŏrə/ • n. (pl. pleu·rae / ˈploŏrē/ ) 1. each of a pair of serous membranes lining the thorax and enveloping the lungs in humans and other mammals.2. Zool. a lateral part in an animal body or structure. Compare with pleuron.DERIVATIVES: pleu·ral adj.pleu·ra2 / ˈploŏrə/ • plural form of pleuron.


views 3,748,935 updated May 29 2018

pleura A thin membrane which lines the inside of the chest cavity and also covers the lungs. The two ‘pleural cavities’ are enclosed compartments, with normally only a film of fluid between the layer lining the chest (parietal pleura) and the layer covering the lungs (visceral pleura). The two layers continually tend to pull away from each other, because of the stretched elastic condition of the lungs — an important factor in the mechanics of breathing. If the chest wall is penetrated by a wound, air is readily sucked into the pleural cavity, separating the two pleural layers and collapsing the lung.

Stuart Judge

See breathing; lungs.


views 1,800,989 updated May 17 2018

pleura (anat.) membrane lining the thorax and enveloping the lungs. XVII. — medL. — Gr. pleurā́ side, rib.
So pleurisy inflammation of the pleura. XIV. — OF. pleurise (mod pleurésie) — late L. pleuriris, for earlier pleurītis — Gr. pleurîtis pleuritic XVI. — (O)F pleurétique — L. pleurīticus — Gr. pleurītikós, pleuro- comb. form of Gr. pleurā́.


views 2,455,045 updated May 17 2018

pleura (pleural membrane) The double membrane that lines the thoracic cavity and covers the exterior surface of the lungs. It is a serous membrane forming a closed sac, with a small space (the pleural cavity) between the two layers.


views 3,596,922 updated May 11 2018

pleura (ploor-ă) n. the covering of the lungs (visceral p.) and of the inner surface of the chest wall (parietal p.), consisting of a closed sac of serous membrane. Fluid secreted by the membrane lubricates the opposing surfaces so that they can slide painlessly over each other during breathing.
pleural adj.


views 2,269,999 updated Jun 27 2018

pleura Double membrane that lines the space between the lungs and the walls of the chest. The fluid between the pleura lubricates the two surfaces to prevent friction during breathing movements. Inflammation of the pleura is called pleurisy.


views 1,409,613 updated May 08 2018

pleura See PLEURON.

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