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Recommended dosage


Side effects




Pemoline is classified as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. It is sold in the United States under the brand names Cylert and PemADD and is also available under its generic name.


Pemoline is used in combination with psychological, educational, and social support for the treatment of people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


Pemoline is a central nervous system stimulant that derives at least some of its effects by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain . Dopamine is one of several neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring chemicals that regulate the transmission of nerve impulses from one cell to another. Mental and physical well-being are partially dependent on maintaining the proper balance among the various neurotransmitters in the brain.

Pemoline is similar in its effects to dextroamphet-amine and methylphenidate , two other drugs used to treat ADHD, although it is not chemically related to these drugs. The mechanism of action of CNS stimulants in the treatment of ADHD is not totally clear, but probably includes increased mental alertness, decreased mental fatigue , and an increased sense of well-being.

Pemoline should not be used as a substitute for psychological, educational, and social support in treating people with ADHD. Because pemoline may be associated with liver toxicity (poisoning causing liver damage), it should be used only after trying other drugs to treat ADHD. Patients should try dextroamphet-amine or methylphenidate first.

Pemoline is available in 18.75-mg, 37.5-mg, and 75-mg oral tablets and in 37.5-mg chewable tablets.

Recommended dosage

The dose of pemoline should be carefully adjusted to the patient needs. The initial dose of pemoline in children six years of age or older is 37.5 mg each morning. The dose may be increased by 18.75 mg each week to as much as 75 mg daily. Most people respond to doses ranging from 56.25 mg to 75 mg daily, although some people may require as much as 112.5 mg daily.

There is no need to continue pemoline indefinitely. Rather, patients should be evaluated both during therapy and during periods in which the medication is voluntarily stopped. In many situations, the drug may be safely discontinued altogether when the child reaches adolescence.


Pemoline is associated with liver toxicity. Symptoms range from mild reversible changes in liver function tests to acute liver failure. The risk of liver damage should be weighed against any therapeutic benefit derived from treatment with pemoline. Therefore, if no therapeutic benefit is observed within three to four weeks of starting the drug, pemoline should be


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) — A learning and behavioral disorder characterized by difficulty in sustaining attention, impulsive behavior, and excessive activity.

Dopamine —A chemical in brain tissue that serves to transmit nerve impulses (is a neurotransmitter) and helps to regulate movement and emotions.

Neurotransmitter —A chemical in the brain that transmits messages between neurons, or nerve cells.

discontinued. In order to detect the early signs of liver damage, liver function tests should be performed before starting the drug and every two weeks while taking pemoline.

Because pemoline is a central nervous stimulant, physical or psychological addiction is possible in people who are emotionally unstable.

Side effects

Loss of appetite accompanied by weight loss generally occurs during the first few weeks after starting pemoline. With continued treatment, appetite and body weight usually stabilize.

Because it is a central nervous system stimulant, insomnia is a common side effect of pemoline.

The most serious side effect is liver toxicity. Liver toxicity is usually characterized by changes in liver function tests without obvious liver damage, but in rare cases, liver failure resulting in death or requiring a liver transplant has occurred.


There are no scientific data concerning drugs that negatively interact with pemoline. However, because pemoline is considered a stimulant, other drugs with stimulant properties (caffeine, over-the-counter decon-gestants, amphetamines, antidepressants ) may theoretically and inappropriately increase CNS stimulation.



American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. AHFS Drug Information 2002. Bethesda: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2002.

Preston, John D., John H. O’Neal, and Mary C. Talaga. Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists. 4th ed. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2004.


Bonnet, Udo, and Eugen Davids. “A Rare Case of Dependence on Pemoline.” Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 30.7 (Sept. 2006): 1340–41.

Krauseneck, Till, and Michael Soyka. “Delusional Parasitosis Associated with Pemoline.” Psychopathology 38.2 (Mar.–Apr. 2005): 103–104.

Pliszka, Steven R., and others. “The Texas Children’s Medication Algorithm Project: Revision of the Algorithm for Pharmacotherapy of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.” Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 45.6 (June 2006): 642–57.

Jack Raber, Pharm.D.
Ruth A. Wienclaw, PhD

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