Holter Monitoring

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Holter Monitoring


Holter monitoring is continuous monitoring of the electrical activity of a patient's heart muscle (electrocardiography ) for 24 hours, using a special portable device called a Holter monitor. Patients wear the Holter monitor while carrying out their usual daily activities.


Holter monitoring is used to help determine whether someone has an otherwise undetected heart disease, such as abnormal heart rhythm (cardiac arrhythmia), or inadequate blood flow through the heart. Specifically, it can detect abnormal electrical activity in the heart that may occur randomly or only under certain circumstances, such as during sleep or periods of physical activity or stress, which may or may not be picked up by standard, short-term electrocardiography performed in a doctor's office.

Traditionally, an exercise stress test has been used to screen people for "silent" heart disease (heart disease with none of the usual symptoms). However, an exercise stress test is not completely foolproof, often producing false negative results (indicating no heart disease when heart disease is actually present) and false positives (indicating heart disease when there is none). Furthermore, some people cannot undergo exercise stress testing because of other medical conditions, such as arthritis.

Holter monitoring, also known as ambulatory or 24-hour electrocardiography, offers an alternate means of testing people for heart disease. By monitoring electrocardiographic activity throughout the day, Holter monitoring can uncover heart problems that occur during the patient's everyday activities. It can also help to recognize any activities that may be causing the heart problems. And it can define and correlate symptoms that may be caused by irregularities of the heart.


Holter monitoring is an extremely safe procedure and no special precautions are required.


The technician affixes electrodes on the surface of the skin at specific areas of the patient's chest, using adhesive patches with special gel that conducts electrical impulses. Typically, electrodes are placed under each collarbone and each bottom rib, and several electrodes are placed across the chest in a rough outline of the heart. The electrodes are attached to a portable electrocardiographic device called a Holter monitor, which records the electrical activity of the heart over 24-48 hours. The device is worn over the patient's shoulder or attached to a belt around the waist.

The Holter monitor records the continuous electrical activity throughout the course of the day, while the patient carries out his or her daily activities. During this time, the patient also keeps a detailed log or diary, recording his or her various activities, such as exercise, eating, sleeping, straining, breathing too hard (hyperventilating), and any stressful situations. The patient also notes the time and circumstances of any symptoms-especially chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and any other signs of heart trouble. Some Holter monitors allow patients to record their symptoms electronically, highlighting the portion of the electrocardiogram recorded while the symptoms are occurring.

After 24-48 hours, the Holter monitor is removed. A computer-assisted analysis is performed on the electrocardiographic recording, and the doctor compares the recording against the patient's log to see if there is any correlation between electrocardiographic abnormalities and any of the patient's activities or symptoms. The physician makes a final interpretation.


In the doctor's office, electrodes are attached to the patient's chest. In some cases, the patient's chest hair may have to be shaved to facilitate attaching the electrodes. The patient then begins carrying the monitor on a shoulder harness, in a pocket, or on the belt while carrying out his or her usual daily routine. The patient should inform the doctor of any drugs he or she may be taking, because certain drugs can alter heart rhythms and may affect the results of the test.


The patient returns to the doctor's office to have the monitor and electrodes removed. No special measures need to be taken following Holter monitoring. The test results are usually available within a few days after the monitor is removed.


There are no known risks associated with Holter monitoring. The main complaint that people have with Holter monitoring is that the monitor may be cumbersome and interfere with certain activities, especially sleeping. Bathing and showering are not allowed during the study.

Normal results

A normal Holter monitoring test shows relatively normal electrical activity in the heart around the clock and no evidence of silent ischemia (deprivation of oxygen-rich blood).

Abnormal results

An abnormal result on Holter monitoring may indicate ischemia to the heart muscle or heart rhythm disturbances. Abnormalities are especially likely to show up during periods of stress or heavy activity, but sometimes serious abnormalities are recorded while the patient is sleeping.



American Heart Association. 7320 Greenville Ave. Dallas, TX 75231. (214) 373-6300. http://www.americanheart.org.

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. PO Box 30105, Bethesda, MD 20824-0105. (301) 251-1222. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov.


Cardiac arrhythmia An abnormal heart rhythm.

Electrocardiography Recording of the electrical activity of the heart muscle, used to diagnose certain heart abnormalities.

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