Outlets gather food like a vacuum pump; consequently both surface and subsurface foods are concentrated by their gradual but increasing current action. Outlets are usually open areas with little hiding places for protection. Fish are wary in these waters and may limit their activities here to times of low light periods.
Yellowstone’s Lewis Lake’s outlet can produce a few prime fish nearly every time it’s fished. Early, late, and during overcast conditions there is a chance there to hook a large brown or lake trout.
I once hooked an enormous wild steelhead in the outlet area of British Columbia’s Morice’s Lake. In this outlet the fish was holding as if it was in a mariner’s tail out. This steelhead was a surprise because at the time I was trout fishing. Respectfully, its first wild run will be long remembered. Every time I visit a lake’s outlet I look for a bonus fish opportunity. Using utmost caution I try to make my best approach and presentation.