Double Haul

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Double Haul

The double haul cast includes the single haul on the backcast plus an additional haul on the forward cast. Its purpose is to increase line speed and momentum for distance. Besides, some line can be shot on the backcast so when it straightens out the additional forward haul can shoot even more line on the forward cast.

Again, the same single haul is made on the backcast and the forward cast haul is made as follows: The line hand on the forward cast abruptly pulls the line downwards towards the thigh as the forearm casting stroke progresses. The line is released just after the power strokes stop; furthermore, the line is shot to the target. (See Diagram 3) This haul must be timed to occur during the last half of the casting stroke. It is used to enhance the smooth acceleration. If the haul is done prematurely a tailing loop may be created.

The double haul cast provides the fastest line speeds and longest distances. For casting in the wind and casting shooting heads, the double haul cast is ideal. (See Diagram 4)

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