
views updated Jun 11 2018

pan·o·ram·a / ˌpanəˈramə; -ˈrämə/ • n. an unbroken view of the whole region surrounding an observer: the tower offers a wonderful panorama of Prague. ∎  a picture or photograph containing a wide view. ∎  a complete survey or presentation of a subject or sequence of events: the galleries will offer a full panorama of 20th-century art.DERIVATIVES: pan·o·ram·ic / -ˈramik/ adj.pan·o·ram·i·cal·ly / -ˈramik(ə)lē/ adv.


views updated May 14 2018

panorama. Building containing a large picture, either arranged on the inside of a cylindrical surface around the spectator at the centre (cyclorama) or unrolled or unfolded and made to pass before the spectator so as to show the various parts in succession. If the picture (some parts of which are translucent) is viewed through an aperture, its sides continuing towards the picture, it is called a diorama, which can show weather-changes. One of the most celebrated was the Panorama National, Paris (1859).


Nicholson (1835);
Papworth (1852);
Sturgis et al. (1901–2)


views updated Jun 27 2018

panorama picture of a scene unfolded so as to show the parts in succession XVIII; (fig.) continuous passing scene XIX. Invented c.1789 by Robert Barker (who in his patent of 1787 called it ‘La nature à coup d'œil’, i.e. ‘nature at a glance’), f. Gr. PAN- + hórāma view, f. horân see.

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