
views updated May 14 2018

col·lar / ˈkälər/ • n. 1. a band of material around the neck of a shirt, dress, coat, or jacket, either upright or turned over and generally an integral part of the garment. ∎  a band of leather or other material put around the neck of a domestic animal, esp. a dog or cat. ∎  a colored marking resembling a collar around the neck of a bird or other animal. ∎  a heavy rounded part of the harness worn by a draft animal, which rests at the base of its neck on the shoulders.2. a restraining or connecting band, ring, or pipe in machinery.3. Bot. the part of a plant where the stem joins the roots.• v. 1. [tr.] put a collar on.2. [tr.] inf. seize, grasp, or apprehend (someone): police collared the culprit. ∎  approach aggressively and talk to (someone who wishes to leave): he collared a departing guest for some last words.DERIVATIVES: col·lared adj. [in comb.] a fur-collared jacket.col·lar·less adj.


views updated May 18 2018

collar. Transverse horizontal straight, cambered, or cranked timber connecting pairs of cruck-blades or rafters in a position above their feet and below the apex of the roof, also called a collar-beam, span-beam, spar-piece, top-beam, or wind-beam, thus a collar-beam roof or collar-roof has collars used in its construction. A collar-or arch-brace is a structural timber to stiffen a roof-truss. An extended collar extends beyond its principal to a gable-wall in roofs with large gables, often with the lower part of the principal omitted. A collar-plate, collar-purlin, or crown-plate is a horizontal timber plate resting on collars to tie trusses together, set above a crown-post.


views updated May 29 2018

collar XIII (various techn. uses from XVII). ME. coler — AN. coler, OF. colier (mod. collier) :- L. collāre, f. collum neck; see -AR. The sp. was early assim. to the L.
Hence as vb. lay hold on (first in wrestling) XVI.

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