Whalen, Dianne (Conception Bay East and Bell Island) Minister of Government Services

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WHALEN, DIANNE (Conception Bay East and Bell Island) Minister of Government Services.

Political Career: First elected to the NL Leg. g.e. 2003. Party: P.C. Address: Leg. Office: West Block, 2nd Fl., Confederation. Bldg., PO Box 8700, St. John's, N.L., A1B 4J6, (709)729-4217, Fax: (709)729-4754; Email: dianne.whalen@gov.nl.ca.

WHALEN, DIANNE (Conception Bay East and Bell Island) Minstre des Services gouvernementaux. Carrière politique: Élue pour la première fois à la légis. de T.-N.-et-Labrador é.g. 2003. Parti pol.: P.C. Adresse: Bureau Lég.: Édifice de l'Ouest, 2e étage, Édifice de la Confédération, C.P. 8700, St-Jean, T.-N.-et-Labrador, A1B 4J6, (709)729-4217, Fax: (709)729-4754; Courriel: dianne.whalen@gov.nl.ca.

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Whalen, Dianne (Conception Bay East and Bell Island) Minister of Government Services

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