Simms, Scott (Bonavista—Gander—Grand Falls—Windsor)

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SIMMS, SCOTT (Bonavista—Gander—Grand Falls—Windsor)

B. Aug. 12, 1970 in Bishop's Falls, Nfld. A journalist. Political Career: Elected to the H. of C. g.e. 2004. Party: Lib. Address: Leg. Office: House of Commons, Ottawa, ON., K1A 0A6, (613)996-3935, Fax: (613)996-7622 Riding office: 175 Airport Rd., Gander, Nfld., A1V 1K6; 18-20 Bonavista Rd., PO Box 10, Elliston, Nfld. and Labrador, A0C 1N0; 1-A Pinsent Dr., Grand Falls, Nfld. and Labrador, A2A 2S8; Email:

SIMMS, SCOTT (Bonavista—Gander—Grand Falls—Windsor) Né le 12 août 1970 à Bishop's Falls, T.-N. Journaliste. Carrière politique: Élu pour la première fois à la C. des c. é.g. 2004. Parti pol.: Lib. Adresse: Bureau Lég.: Chambre des communes, Ottawa, ON., K1A 0A6, (613)996-3935, Fax: (613)996-7622 Bureaux Circonscription: 175, chemin Airport, Gander, T.-N., A1V 1K6; 18-20, chemin Bonavista, C.P. 10, Elliston, T.-N.-et-Labrador, A0C 1N0; 1-A, promenade Pinsent, Grand Falls, T.-N.-et-Labrador, A2A 2S8; Courriel:

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