Grafftey, Hon. William Heward, P.C., Q.C., B.A., B.C.L.

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B. Aug. 5, 1928 in Montreal, Que. S. of William A. Grafftey and H.R. Heward. Ed. at Mt. Allison Univ. and McGill Univ. Father of Arthur, Clement and Leah. A lawyer. Political Career: First elected to the H. of C. g.e. 1958. Re-elected g.e. 1962, 1963, 1965, 1972, 1974 and 1979. Cand. g.e. 1980 and def. Sworn to the Privy Council Jun. 4, 1979 (Rt. Hon. J. Clark). Appt'd Parl. Sec. to Min. of Finance, 1962. Min. of State (Social Programs), Jun. 4, 1979 to Oct. 1979. Appt'd Min. of State (Science and Technology), Oct. 1979. Private Career: Former Dir. and Pres., Montreal Lumber Co. Ltd. Pres., Heward Grafftey Management Inc. Public Affairs Management. Chair. and C.E.O., Safety Sense Enterprises, Ottawa. Author: The Senseless Sacrifice - A Black Paper on Medicine; Lessons from the Past - From Diefenbaker to Mulroney; Why Canadians Get the Politicians and Government They Don't Want; Safety Sense on the Road; Safety Sense in the Home; Safety Sense at Play; Portraits From A Life and Safety Sense: How to Live Safely and Prevent Death and Injury on the Road, at Home, at Play, at Work. Mem., Que. Bar. Relig.: Ang. Address: Office: Safety Sense Enterprises and Publications, P.O. Box 9512, Station "T", Ottawa, Ont., K1G 3V2, (613)830-9342.

GRAFFTEY,HON.WILLIAM HEWARD,C.P., C.R.,B.A., B.C.L. Né le 5 août 1928à Montréal, Québec.Fils de William A. Grafftey et H.R. Heward. Fit ses études à l'Univ. Mt. Allison et l'Univ. McGill. Père d'Arthur, Clement et Leah. Avocat. Carrière politique: Élu pour la première fois à la C. des c. é.g. 1958. Réélu é.g. 1962, 1963, 1965, 1972, 1974 et 1979. Cand. é.g. 1980 et déf. Assermenté au conseil privé le 4 juin 1979 (le Très hon. J. Clark). Nommé Sec. parl. au min. des Finances en 1962. Min. d'État (Programmes sociaux) du 4 juin 1979 à oct. 1979. Nommé min. d'État (Sciences et Technologie) en oct. 1979. Carrière privée: Ancien dir. et prés., Montreal Lumber Co. Ltd. Prés., Heward Grafftey Management Inc., Conseillers en Affaires Publiques. Prés. et dir. général, Safety Sense Enterprises, Ottawa. Auteur: "The Senseless Sacrifice - A Black Paper on Medicine"; "Lessons From the Past - From Diefenbaker to Mulroney"; "Why Canadians Get the Politicians and Government They Don't Want"; "Safety Sense on the Road"; "Safety Sense in the Home"; "Safety Sense at Play"; "Portraits from a Life" et "Safety Sense: How to Life Safely and Prevent Death and Injury on the Road, at Home, at Play, at Work". Mem., Barreau du Québec. Relig.: ang. Adresse: Bureau: Safety Sense Enterprises and Publications, C.P. 9512, Station "T", Ottawa, Ont., K1G 3V2, (613)830-9342.

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