Brown, Hon. Levinia (Rankin Inlet South/Whale Cove) Deputy Premier, Minister of Health and Social Services, and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women

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BROWN, HON. LEVINIA (Rankin Inlet South/Whale Cove) Deputy Premier, Minister of Health and Social Services, and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women.

Political Career: First elected to the Nunavut Leg. Assembly g.e. 2004. Municipal: Former Mayor, Rankin Inlet, 1989-91 and served as hamlet councilor and deputy mayor. Private Career: Nurse, councilor, and educator. Address: Leg. Office: Legislative Assembly of Nunavut, Box 1200, Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0, (867)975-5075, Fax: (867)975-5095 Riding Office: c/o Rita Nattar, Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, X0C 0G0, (867)645-4865, Fax: (867)645-4866; Email:

BROWN, HON. LEVINIA (Rankin Inlet South/Whale Cove) Vice-première ministre, Ministre de la Santé et des Services sociaux, et Ministre responsable de la Condition féminine. Carrière politique: Élue pour la première fois à la légis. du Nunavut é.g. 2004. Municipale: Ancienne mairesse, Rankin Inlet, 1989-91 et Conseillère du hameau et mairesse adjointe. Carrière privée : Infirmière, conseiller et éducatrice. Adresse: Bureau lég.: Assemblée législative du Nunavut, Casier 1200, Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0, (867)975-5075, Fax: (867)975-5095 Bureau Circonscription: c/o Rita Nattar, Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, X0C 0G0, (867)645-4865, Fax: (867)645-4866; Courriel:

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Brown, Hon. Levinia (Rankin Inlet South/Whale Cove) Deputy Premier, Minister of Health and Social Services, and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women

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