Union Club
Union Club
An elite social club, this organization was founded in 1868. In its heyday, between the late 1800s and the mid-1900s, it could boast that it had "always been the meeting place of the best society." As was the case with the equally exclusive National Club, its membership list was a virtual who's who of Peru's political, economic, and intellectual elite. Many of Peru's most important decisions may well have been made over drinks in the club's elegant salon, located on Lima's Plaza de Armas. In the 1990s the Union Club's membership is predominantly middle class, and its political importance has diminished significantly.
Cipriano A. Laos, Lima: La ciudad de los virreyes (1929), pp. 191-199.
Additional Bibliography
Castro Contreras, Jaime. Violencia política y subversión en el Perú, 1924–1965. Lima: s.n., 1992.
Huiza, José Luis and José Valdizán Ayala. Historia del Perú republicano. Lima: Universidad de Lima, Fondo de Desarrollo Editorial, 1997.
David S. Parker