Sologuren, Javier (1921–2004)

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Sologuren, Javier (1921–2004)

Javier Sologuren (b. 19 January 1921; d. 2004), Peruvian poet, publisher, and essayist. His father was the cousin of the poets Ricardo and Enrique Peña Barren-echea. Javier Sologuren studied literature and humanities in Peru, Mexico, and Belgium. He began publishing in the 1940s. In the 1950s, he lived in Sweden for seven years. Upon returning to Peru, Sologuren undertook the publication of his Ediciones de La Rama Florida, printing Peruvian and foreign literatures on a manual press. In 1960, he received the National Poetry Award. Later, Sologuren organized his poetry architectonically under the title Vida continua (1944, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1992). In 1990, he published La Hora, in English and in Spanish.

Sologuren's essays on pre-Columbian and contemporary Peruvian arts, crafts, and literature, reformulating national Andean tradition, link him to such writers as Emilio Adolfo Westphalen, José María Arguedas, and Jorge Eduardo Eielson, and to the painter Fernando de Szyszlo. He also worked with European and Asian literatures, translating Swedish, French, Italian, and Brazilian poetry into Spanish and collaborating in the translation of classical Japanese works. In 2004–2005, the Pontifica Universidad Católica in Peru published his Obras Completas.

See alsoLiterature: Spanish America .


Anna Soncini, ed., Javier Sologuren, Vita continua: Poesie (1947–1987), Italian translation, 1988, pp. 9-14.

Ana María Gazzolo, "Javier Sologuren: Poesía, razón de vida," in Lienzo 9 (1989): 219-278.

Additional Bibliography

Cornejo Polar, José. Estudios de la literatura peruana. Lima, Peru: Universidad de Lima, Fondo de Desarrollo Editorial, 1998.

Pollarolo, Giovanna, and Mauricio Novoa. "Fragmentos de una confesión incesante: Entrevista a Javier Sologuren." Debate, 17 (Nov-Dec 1995): 69-71.

                                   Luis Rebaza-Soraluz

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