São Vicente, José Antônio Pimenta Bueno, Marquês de (1803–1878)

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São Vicente, José Antônio Pimenta Bueno, Marquês de (1803–1878)

José Antônio Pimenta Bueno, Marquês de São Vicente (b. 4 December 1803; d. 19 February 1878), Brazilian jurist and statesman. Born in São Paulo, São Vicente earned a doctorate from the São Paulo faculty of law and went on to judicial appointments in that province. He represented São Paulo in the Chamber of Deputies (after 1845), the Senate (after 1853), and served on the Council of State (after 1859). There, with José Tomás Nabuco de Araújo (1813–1878), he shared the task imposed by Pedro II of researching and writing (1866–1868) a legislative project to effect the gradual abolition of slavery. His political career included portfolios for foreign affairs and justice in the Liberal cabinets of 1847 and 1848 and the provincial presidencies of Mato Grosso (1836) and Rio Grande do Sul (1850); he also dabbled in Paraguayan diplomacy in the 1840s. His most important position, however, was as prime minister of a moderate Conservative cabinet in 1870, when he tried, and failed, to marshal the political support for the abolitionist legislation he had helped author in the Council of State; it was the Visconde do Rio Branco (1819–1880), a consummate politician, who realized the project instead in 1871. São Vicente's greatest legacy is his widely read discussion of the monarchy's charter: Direito publico brazileiro e analyse da Constituição do Império (1857).

See alsoBrazil, Political Parties: Conservative Party; Brazil, Political Parties: Liberal Party; Paulistas, Paulistanos; Slave Trade, Abolition of: Brazil.


Joaquim Nabuco, Um estadisto do império, vol. 3 (1899).

Additional Bibliography

Franca, Mário Ferreira. O reconhecimiento da independencia do Paraguia pelo Império: A Missão Pimenta Bueno. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Naval, Ministerio da Marinha, 1953.

São Viente, José Antonio Pimenta Bueno, Marques de. José Antonio Pimenta Bueno, Marques de São Vicente. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2002.

                                    Jeffrey D. Needell

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