Salgado, Plinio (1895–1975)

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Salgado, Plinio (1895–1975)

Plinio Salgado (b. 22 January 1895; d. 7 December 1975), Brazilian politician and journalist. Salgado was born in São Bento de Sapucaí, São Paulo and died in São Paulo. As a youth, he began his long and prolific career as a writer when he founded the hometown paper O Correio de São Bento. After moving to the state capital, Salgado began contributing regularly to nationwide newspapers and magazines. In 1931, he launched an integralist campaign and made himself the movement's supreme authority. One year later, the writer and politician founded the Ação Integralista Brasileira. On May 10, 1937, a group of anti-Vargas and integralist demonstrators attacked the presidential palace in Rio de Janeiro. The attack was repulsed and Salgado was exiled to Portugal until 1945. After returning to Brazil, he founded the Partido de Representação Popular (PRP) and became its presidential candidate in 1955. From 1958 to 1966, he served as a federal deputy representing the PRP and, later, the ARENA party from 1966 to 1974.

Salgado was a member of the Academia Paulista de Letras and authored numerous political, fictional, and poetic works such as Tabor, O estrangeiro, O cavaleiro de Itararé, Literatura e política, a psicologia da revolução, O que é integralismo, Cartas aos camisas-verdes, a doutrina do sigma, O conceito cristão da democracia, Extremismo e democracia, Direitos e Deveres do homem, and Espírito de burguesia. His integralist movement (or camisas verdes—green shirts) envisaged an integral state under a single authoritarian head of government patterned after European corporatist movements. Using the motto "God, country, and family," the movement sought to enlist the middle classes who feared communism.

See alsoVargas, Getúlio Dornelles .


Araújo, Ricardo Benzaquen de. Totalitarismo e revolução: O integralismo de Plínio Salgado. Rio de Janeiro: J. Zahar Editor, 1988.

Cavalari, Rosa Maria Feiteiro. Integralismo: Ideologia e organização de umpartido de massa no Brasil, 1932–1937. Bauru: Editora da Universidade do Sagrado Coração, 1999.

Dorea, Augusta Garcia. Plínio Salgado: Um apóstol brasileiro em terras de Portugal e Espanha. São Paulo: Edições GRD, 1999.

                                  IÊda Siqueira Wiarda

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