Revolution of 1925

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Revolution of 1925

The coup of 9 July 1925 was the first institutional intrusion of the military into politics. The young officers, who believed they represented national rather than regional interests, justified their actions in a twelve-point reform program. The coup followed an extensive campaign by sierra publicists and politicians who portrayed the professional military as the only body that could free the government from the domination of a corrupt coastal oligarchy. These critics argued that the government was the captive of Guayaquil bankers and that the professional military was being dishonored and compromised by corrupt political officers who supported liberal governments. The reforms advocated in the name of national unity and rehabilitation actually were used by sierra (conservative) politicians to return political control to Quito.

See alsoEcuador: Since 1830 .


Luis Robalino Dávila, El 9 de julio de 1925 (1973).

Linda Alexander Rodríguez, The Search for Public Policy: Regional Politics and Government Finances in Ecuador, 1830–1940 (1985), esp. pp. 118-133.

Additional Bibliography

Albornoz Peralta, Osvaldo. Del crimen de El Ejido a la Revolución del 9 de Julio de 1925. Quito: Subsecretária de Cultura, Sistem Nacional de Bibliotecas, 1996.

Paz y Miño Cepeda, Juan J. La Revolución Juliana: Nación, ejército, y bancocracia. Quito: Abya-Yala, 2000.

Pérez Ramírez, Gustavo. Virgilio Guerrero: Protagonista de la Revolución Juliana, su praxis social. Quito: Academia Nacional de Historia, 2003.

                            Linda Alexander RodrÍguez

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