
views 1,614,182 updated May 18 2018

pré·cis / prāˈsē; ˈprāsē/ • n. (pl. same ) a summary or abstract of a text or speech.• v. (pré·cises / prāˈsēz; ˈprāsēz/ , pré·cised, pré·cis·ing) [tr.] make a précis of (a text or speech).


views 3,685,330 updated Jun 27 2018

PRÉCIS, also precis [From French ‘cut short’. Pronunciation: ‘PRAY-see’. Plural identical in spelling, but pronounced ‘-seez’].
1. A concise summary or abstract: to make a précis of a report. The term précis-writing has been commonly used in schools, especially in Britain, to refer to the teaching and practice of writing summaries.

2. To summarize: to précis a report. See ABRIDGEMENT.


views 3,877,619 updated May 17 2018

précis concise account or version. XVIII. — F. précis, sb. use of pp. (see next).


views 1,832,157 updated May 18 2018

PRECIS (ˈpreɪsɪ) preserved context index system

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