Morales Bermúdez, Remigio (1836–1894)

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Morales Bermúdez, Remigio (1836–1894)

Remigio Morales Bermúdez (b. 1836; d. 1894), president of Peru (1890–1894). His death before the end of his term in office led to a civil war between caudillos Andrés A. Cáceres and Nicolás de Piérola. Morales Bermúdez was born in Tarapacá and worked in his father's nitrate business in what was Peruvian territory before the War of the Pacific (1879–1883). Trained for a career in the military beginning in 1854, Morales Bermúdez participated in several struggles for power among military chieftains. During the War of the Pacific he fought at the side of Cáceres in the resistance campaign in the Peruvian highlands. Supporting Cáceres's bid for power against Miguel Iglesias, Morales Bermúdez became vice president and, at the end of Cáceres's term in 1890, president until his sudden death in Lima. His son, Lieutenant Colonel Remigio Morales Bermúdez, army commander in Trujillo, was allegedly killed by Aprista militants in 1939.


Jorge Basadre, Historia de la República del Perú (1963).

David Werlich, Peru: A Short History (1978).

Additional Bibliography

Farcau, Bruce W. The Ten Cents War: Chile, Peru, and Bolivia in the War of the Pacific, 1879–1884. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000.

                                   Alfonso W. Quiroz

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