Ibarra, José de Pineda (1629–1680)

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Ibarra, José de Pineda (1629–1680)

José de Pineda Ibarra (b. 1629; d. 1680), first master printer of Guatemala. Ibarra was born in Mexico City to Diego de Ibarra and Juana Muñiz de Pineda. After a period of collaboration with noted printers of the metropolis, Ibarra moved to Puebla, where he married María Montez Ramírez. With the financial assistance of Payo Enríquez de Rivera, Bishop of Guatemala, he purchased a printing press and related equipment. Under contract with Enríquez, Ibarra set out for the Kingdom of Guatemala, arriving in the capital, Santiago de los Caballeros, in July 1660. In Santiago (present-day Antigua) he established a printing shop, the first of its kind in the country. Ibarra's only son, Antonio, who took over the business after his father's death, was born in 1661. Though granted a monopoly by Captain General Martín Carlos Mencos on the printing of religious and school materials, he was forced to engage in a variety of business ventures in order to supplement his meager earnings as a printer. He died, debt ridden, in Antigua.

See alsoAntigua .


Víctor Miguel Díaz, Historia de imprenta en Guatemala desde los tiempos de la colonia hasta la época actual (1930).

Alexander A. M. Stols, La introducción de la imprenta en Guatemala (1960).

Lawrence S. Thompson, Printing in Colonial Spanish America (1962; rev. ed. 1976).

José Toribio Medina, La imprenta en Guatemala (1660–1821) (1910; rep. 1964).

David Vela, La imprenta en Guatemala colonial (1960).

Additional Bibliography

Lujan Muñoz, Luis. Semblanza de José de Pineda Ibarra. Guatemala: Editorial José de Pineda Ibarra, 1980.

                                       Jorge H. GonzÁlez

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