
views updated May 08 2018


GAZA (Heb. עַזָּה, Azzah ), city on the southern coastal plain of Ereẓ Israel. From earliest times it served as the base of Egyptian operations in Canaan. Unlike the neighboring sites of Tell el-'Ajjul and Tell Ali Muntar, Gaza itself did not have much strategic and economic importance during the third and second millennia b.c.e. An important Middle Bronze ii settlement, however, has been discovered at al-Moghraqa in the area of Wadi Gaza. Gaza was apparently held by Thutmose iii (c. 1469 b.c.e.) and in his inscriptions it has the title of "that-which-the-ruler-seized" signifying its role as the chief Egyptian base in Canaan. In the reliefs of Seti i (c. 1300 b.c.e.) it is called "the [town of] Canaan." It is also mentioned in the Tell el-Amarna and Taanach tablets as an Egyptian administrative center. According to biblical tradition its original inhabitants were the Avvites (Deut. 2:23; Josh. 13:3). At the time of the Israelite conquest it was allotted to the tribe of Judah (Josh. 15:47; Judg. 1:18) but it remained in the possession of the Canaanites until the beginning of the 12th century b.c.e. when it was occupied by the Philistines – possibly at first as an Egyptian garrison. It became the southernmost city of the Philistine Pentapolis (Josh. 13:3; i Sam. 6:17; Jer. 25:20). At Gaza Samson performed some of his famous deeds and there too he perished in the temple of Dagon in the great slaughter of his enemies (Judg. 16). With the weakening of Egyptian support, the Philistines finally submitted to David (ii Sam. 5:25). In 734 b.c.e. Tiglath-Pileser iii of Assyria took Gaza but it remained a Philistine city and the short conquest of Hezekiah (ii Kings 18:8) did not alter its status. Pharaoh Necho ii occupied Gaza briefly in 609 b.c.e. Under the Persians (after a siege in 529 b.c.e. by Cambyses) Gaza became an important royal fortress called Kadytis by Herodotus (2:159). In 332 b.c.e. it was the only city in Ereẓ Israel to oppose Alexander, who besieged it and sold its people into slavery. In the Hellenistic period Gaza was the outpost of the Ptolemies until its capture by Antiochus iii in 198 b.c.e. Its commercial importance increased in Persian and Hellenistic times when it served as the Mediterranean outlet of the Nabatean caravan trade and as the gateway for Greek penetration into southern Ereẓ Israel. The city was attacked by Jonathan the Hasmonean in 145 b.c.e. (i Macc. 11:61–62) but was taken only by Alexander Yannai in 96 b.c.e. after a long siege. It was restored by Pompey and rebuilt by Gabinius in 57 b.c.e. It was held by Herod for a short time. Gaza prospered under Roman rule and contained a famous school of rhetoric. It was fanatically devoted to its Cretan god Marnas, even under Christian rule; only in the fifth century was its temple destroyed and Christianity made the ruling religion. Although Jews were settled there in the talmudic period, the city was regarded as being outside the halakhic boundaries of the Holy Land. Gaza is shown as a large city on the Madaba Map – "splendid, delicious" are the words of the traveler Antoninus – with colonnaded streets crossing its center and a large basilica in the middle, probably the church erected on the temple of Marnas. A depiction of the city of Gaza also appears in a mosaic floor uncovered at Umm er-Rasas in Jordan. In antiquity Gaza controlled an extensive territory, including the areas of Anthedon and its harbor, Maiumas. The sources mention an "Old Gaza." This was probably at Beth-Eglaim – Tell al-Ajūl (the tell at the city proper however contains evidence of settlement from the Bronze Age onward). "Gaza the desert" in the New Testament (Acts 8:26), which is the city proper, was so called because of its devastation by Alexander Yannai. The "New City" (Neapolis) was the harbor; a synagogue was found there paved with mosaics and dated 508/9. In 1965 a mosaic floor was uncovered on the seashore of Gaza's harbor. Its figures include one of King David as Orpheus, dressed in Byzantine royal garments and playing the lyre. The name "David" in Hebrew letters appears above it. A Greek inscription at the center of the floor, which mentions the names of the two donors (Menahem and Jesse) of the mosaic to the "holy place," and the name "David," testify to the fact that a synagogue stood there. The synagogue was cleared by A. Ovadiah in 1967/68. Evidence of a considerable Jewish population during the talmudic period in Gaza is provided also by a relief of a menorah, a shofar, a lulav, and an etrog, which appear on a pillar of the Great Mosque of Gaza; and various Hebrew and Greek inscriptions. According to the Karaite Sahl b. Maẓli'aḥ, Gaza, Tiberias, and Zoar were the three centers of pilgrimages in Ereẓ Israel during the Byzantine period. Gaza was situated 3 mi. (5 km.) from the sea in a fertile plain rich in wheat, vineyards, and fruits. Its fair (panegyris) was one of the three main fairs in Roman Palestine.

In a great battle fought near Gaza in 635, the Arabs vanquished the Byzantines; the city itself fell soon afterward. It remained the seat of the governor of the Negev, as is known from the Nessana Papyri. The Jewish and Samaritan communities flourished under Arab rule; in the eighth century, R. Moses, one of the masoretes, lived there. In the 11th century R. Ephraim of Gaza was head of the community of Fostat (old Cairo). King Baldwin i of Jerusalem occupied the city which was known in Crusader times as Gadres; from the time of Baldwin iii (1152) it was a Templar stronghold. In 1170 it fell to Saladin. Under Mamluk rule Gaza was the capital of a district (mamlaka) embracing the whole coastal plain up to Athlit. After the destruction of Gaza by the Crusaders the Jewish community ceased to exist. Nothing more was heard of it until the 14th century. Meshullam of Volterra in 1481 found 60 Jewish householders there and four Samaritans. All the wine of Gaza was produced by the Jews (A.M. Luncz, in Yerushalayim, 1918). Obadiah of Bertinoro records that when he was there in 1488, Gaza's rabbi was a certain Moses of Prague who had come from Jerusalem (Zwei Briefe, ed. by A. Neubauer (1863), 19). Gaza flourished under Ottoman rule; the Jewish community was very numerous in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Karaite Samuel b. David found a Rabbanite synagogue there in 1641 (Ginzei Yisrael be-St. Petersburg, ed. by J. Gurland (1865), 11). In the 16th century there were a bet din and a yeshivah in Gaza, and some of its rabbis wrote scholarly works. Farm-owners were obliged to observe the laws of terumah ("priestly tithe"), ma'aserot ("tithes"), and the sabbatical year. At the end of the 16th century the Najara family supplied some of its rabbis; Israel *Najara, son of the Damascus rabbi Moses Najara, author of the "Zemirot Yisrael," was chief rabbi of Gaza and president of the bet din in the mid-17th century. In 1665, on the occasion of Shabbetai Ẓevi's visit to Gaza, the city became a center of his messianic movement, and one of his principal disciples was *Nathan of Gaza. The city was occupied by Napoleon for a short time in 1799. In the 19th century, the city declined. The Jews concentrated there were mainly barley merchants; they bartered with the Bedouins for barley which they exported to the beer breweries in Europe. It was a Turkish stronghold in World War i; two British attacks made on Gaza in 1916–17 failed and it was finally taken by a flanking movement of *Allenby. Under Mandatory rule Gaza developed slowly; the last Jews left the town as a result of the anti-Jewish Arab disturbances in 1929.

[Michael Avi-Yonah /

Shimon Gibson (2nd ed.)]

In 1946 Gaza's population was estimated at 19,500, all Muslim except for 720 Christians. In the Israel *War of Independence, the invading Egyptian army occupied Gaza (May 1948). The town, together with the newly formed *Gaza Strip, was put under Egyptian administration by the armistice agreement of 1949. The influx of Arab refugees from the areas which became part of Israel swelled the city's population at least fourfold. The 1967 census showed that 87,793 inhabitants lived in the city proper, while 30,479 lived in the refugee camp within municipal boundaries. Of these, 1,649 were Christian and the rest Muslim. In the *Sinai Campaign (1956), Gaza was occupied by the Israeli army (November 2, 1956) and evacuated in March 1957. The Egyptian army reinstalled itself in the Strip, but in the Six-Day War (1967), Israeli forces captured the town on June 6, and an Israeli military government was set up in the town. From 1969, there were frequent acts of terrorism and sabotage in the town, which remained the center of activity in the Gaza Strip. (For political developments see *Gaza Strip.)

It appears that in the historic past Gaza's built-up area alternately expanded and decreased in size, particularly in the area between the city core and the seashore about 2 mi. (3 km.) distant. This expanse of dunes lay waste in the 20th century, until the British Mandate authorities allocated land for a nominal fee to anyone promising to build his house there within five years of signing a contract. Gaza's principal east-west artery now runs through this area, up to the shore. From the 1940s the city also expanded eastward. In the northwest Gaza gradually links up with Jabalya and Nazala. Within the municipal area, there are orchards, fields, and kitchen gardens. Farming and sea fishing retain a place with small commerce and industries in the city economy, while pottery constitutes a prominent branch. After 1967, larger manufacturing plants (food, textiles, and other branches) were established there.


M.A. Meyer, History of the City of Gaza from the Earliest Times to the Present Day (1907); G. Downey, Gaza in the Early Sixth Century (1963); Kena'ani, in: bjpes, 5 (1937), 33–41; Benayahu, ibid., 20 (1955), 21–30; Avi-Yonah, ibid., 30 (1966), 221–3; M. Ish-Shalom, Masei Noẓerim le-Ereẓ Yisrael (1965), index; Ben Zvi, Ereẓ Yisrael, index; J. Braslavski (Braslavi), Le-Ḥeker Arẓenu – Avar u-Seridim (1954), index; idem, Me-Reẓu'at Azzah ad Yam Suf (1957); S. Klein, Toledot ha-Yishuv ha-Yehudi be-Ereẓ Yisrael (1935), index; S. Assaf and L.A. Mayer (eds.), Sefer ha-Yishuv, 2 vols. (1939–44). add. bibliography: J. Garstang, "The Walls of Gaza," in: pefqs (1920), 156–57; C.A.M. Glucker, The City of Gaza in the Roman and Byzantine Periods (1987); J. Clarke et al., "The Gaza Research Project: 1998 Field Season," in: Journal of Palestinian Archaeology, 2 (2001), 4–11; L. Steel et al., "Gaza Research Project. Report on the 1999 and 2000 Seasons at al-Moghraqa," in: Levant, 36 (2004), 37–88; "Ghazza," in: eis2, 2, 1056–57 (incl. bibl.).

Gaza (City)

views updated May 14 2018


Principal city of the Gaza Strip.

Gaza City is located in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Along with the rest of the Gaza Strip, it was inhabited by Philistines in ancient times and subsequently conquered by many peoples due to its strategic location As part of the British Mandate, it came under Egyptian administration after the 1948 ArabIsrael War. The city contains a small port that serves local fisherman. Gaza's population consists of 400,000 mostly Muslim Palestinians. After the 1948 war, Gaza experienced an influx of refugees (approximately 190,000) and was six times larger by 1967. Today, about half the city's population are refugees.

Since the 1967 ArabIsraeli War, Gaza has been occupied by Israel. At the beginning of the first Palestinian uprising (intifada) in 1987, Gaza became a center for political unrest. In May 1994 the city became the first provincial headquarters for the Palestinian National Authority, which administers Palestinian areas in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Gaza is the economic center for citrus fruits and other crops and contains small industries, such as textiles. Gaza's economy has been weakened due to closures by the Israeli military, implemented in the wake of the first intifada, and its dependency on wage labor in Israel. As a result of the al-Aqsa intifada (which began in 2000), more than half of the city's population are unemployed and living below the poverty line.


"Gaza City." Palestine: Home of History. Available from <>.

Municipality of Gaza. Available from http://www

Roy, Sara. The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development, 2d edition. Washington, DC: Institute for Palestine Studies, 2001.

Mallika Good

Gaza (City)

views updated May 23 2018


Largest city of the Gaza Strip. In the 1948 War it came under the control of Egypt. Its prewar population of 65,000 absorbed many of the 200,000 to 250,000 refugees who came into the Gaza Strip; in 2004 the city's population was more than 400,000, an unknown number of whom are refugees. (Refugees comprise over 78 percent of the 1.3 million population of the Gaza Strip as a whole.) Since the 1967 War, which caused 100,000 Palestinian refugees to leave the Gaza Strip, mostly for Jordan, it has been under the control of Israel, either through direct military occupation or through control of settlement and military zones outside the "autonomous" areas under the Palestinian Authority (set up in 1994). The city and its surrounding refugee camps, like the Gaza Strip as a whole, are centers for political unrest and anti-Israel activity, particularly since the first Intifada began in 1987. HAMAS is headquartered there. Gaza, which has a port, is the commercial center of the region, but the economy has been crippled by Israeli border closures and other measures, and it is estimated that more than half the working-age population is unemployed.

SEE ALSO Arab-Israeli War (1948);Gaza Strip;HAMAS;Intifada (1987–1983);Palestinian Authority.

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