Estrada, Juan José (1865–1947)

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Estrada, Juan José (1865–1947)

Juan José Estrada (b. 1865; d. 1947), provisional president of Nicaragua (29 August 1910–9 May 1911). Estrada, governor of the Caribbean department of Mosquitia, launched an uprising against President José Santos Zelaya, whose government fell in 1909. He continued the revolt against Zelaya's successor, José Madriz, and in 1910 established a provisional government at Bluefields, where he received assistance from U.S. marines. Madriz turned over power to Estrada's brother, José Dolores Estrada, on 20 August 1910, and Juan José Estrada formally became provisional president on 29 August. A new Constituent Assembly unanimously elected him for a two-year term on 31 December 1910, but the real power rested with General Luis Mena, who commanded the military. Under pressure, Estrada resigned on 9 May 1911, turning power over to his vice president, Adolfo Díaz.

See alsoDiaz, Adolfo; Estrada, José Dolores; Nationalism.


José Joaquín Morales, De la historia de Nicaragua de 1889–1913 (1963).

Charles E. Frazier, The Dawn of Nationalism and Its Consequences in Nicaragua (1972).

Additional Bibliography

Arellano, Jorge Eduardo. La Pax americana en Nicaragua: (1910–1932). Managua: Academia de Geografía e Historia de Nicaragua: Fondo Editorial CIRA, 2004.

Selser, Gregorio. La restauración conservadora y la gesta de Benjamín Zeledón: Nicaragua-USA, 1909–1916. Managua: Aldilà Editor, 2001.

                                Ralph Lee Woodward Jr.

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