Erro, Enrique (1912–1984)

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Erro, Enrique (1912–1984)

Enrique Erro (b. 14 September 1912; d. 10 October 1984), Uruguayan politician and trade unionist. A journalist employed by La Tribuna, Erro was a founding member of the Uruguayan Press Association. He was subsequently a member of the House of Representatives (1953–1966), minister of industry and labor (1959–1960), and a senator (1971–1973).

Ideologically Erro followed the principles of a Latin American "Patria Grande"—the name of his slate of candidates within the Frente Amplio (Broad Front) in the 1971 elections—and a popular, revolutionary nationalism. He served on the Anti-imperialist Committee and was a member of the Blanco Party. Erro was a founder of the Unión Popular in 1962, later formed a coalition with the Socialist party, then joined the newly founded Frente Amplio in 1971.

From 1973 to his death, Erro rejected all negotiations with the military regime and called for abstention from the 1980 constitutional referendum and the 1982 elections. He denounced Uruguayan human rights violations before European governments and the U.N. Commission on human rights.

See alsoLabor Movements; Journalism; Uruguay, Political Parties: Broad Front.


Roberto Gilardoni and Luis Imas, Biografía de Enrique Erro: Su vida, su lucha, su obra (1988).

Nelson Caula, Erro, 3 vols. (1989–1990).

Additional Bibliography

Gatto, Herbert. El cielo por asalto: el Movimiento de Liberación Nacional (Tupamaros) y la izquierda uruguaya (1963–1972). Montevideo: Taurus, 2004.

Myers, Scott L. Los años oscuros: Uruguay, 1967–1987. Montevideo, Uruguay: Editorial Latina, 1997.

                                    Dieter Schonebohm

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