Dellepiane, Luis J. (1865–1941)

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Dellepiane, Luis J. (1865–1941)

Luis J. Dellepiane (b. 26 February 1865; d. 2 August 1941), career army officer, engineer, minister of war (1928–1930). Dellepiane was born in Buenos Aires and attended the military college in his home city, graduating in 1884. A general by 1910, he established his reputation as the officer who did the most to foster the development of the engineering branch of the Argentine army. He was also closely involved in Argentine politics. Following the assassination of the Buenos Aires police chief, Dellepiane was named interim chief in 1909. During the quasi-revolutionary Semana Trágica (Tragic Week) in Buenos Aires in 1919, President Hipólito Irigoyen (1916–1922) placed him in command of all military and civilian forces to restore order. Dellepiane's loyal service to Irigoyen was later rewarded when Dellepiane was appointed minister of war during Irigoyen's second term (1928–1930). Concerned about rumors of a coup, Dellepiane advised Irigoyen to arrest officers believed to be involved in the conspiracy. When he refused, Dellepiane resigned on 2 September 1930, just four days before elements of the army drove Irigoyen from power. Dellepiane remained in retirement until his death.

See alsoBuenos Aires .


Robert A. Potash, The Army and Politics in Argentina, 1928–1945: Yrigoyen to Perón (1969).

Marvin Goldwert, Democracy, Militarism, and Nationalism in Argentina, 1930–1966: An Interpretation (1972).

Additional Bibliography

Díaz Araujo, Enrique. La semana trágica de 1919: precedida por un estudio de los antecedentes de la inmigración y rebelión social. Mendoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 1988.

Seibel, Beatriz. Crónicas de la semana trágica: enero de 1919. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1999.

                                         Paul Goodwin

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