
views updated Jun 08 2018


ETHNONYMS: Banac, Nimi, Punnush

The Bannock are a Northern Paiute-speaking minority population among the Northern Shoshone, both of whom in the past lived in southern Idaho south of the Salmon River and extending eastward into northwestern Wyoming and southwestern Montana. Most now live with the Northern Shoshone on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation near Pocatello, Idaho. They apparently lived originally in northEastern Oregon, but migrated into the general region of the Snake River where they lived among the Shoshone speakers in peaceful cooperation. In the nineteenth century they were loosely organized in seminomadic bands. They had band chiefs who inherited office through the male line subject to community approval. They shared most of their culture traits with the Northern Shoshone. Their culture was basically Basin Shoshonean with an admixture of Plateau Indian and Plains Indian traits, such as the use of the horse and of bison-hunting parties. There were about 2,500 Bannock and Shoshone Indians living on the Fort Hall Reservation in 1980. It is not known what the population breakdown is.

See alsoNorthern Shoshone


Madsen, Brigham D. (1958). The Bannock of Idaho. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers.

Murphy, Robert F., and Yolanda Murphy (1986). "Northern Shoshone and Bannock." In Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 11, Great Basin, edited by Warren L. d'Azevedo, 284-307. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.


views updated May 14 2018

Bannock Shoshonean-speaking tribe that broke off from the Northern Paiute and settled in se Idaho, where they acquired many Nez Percé and Shoshone traits. They are primarily noted for their role in the Bannock War of 1878. The bulk of the tribe – some 500 individuals – share Fort Hall, Idaho, with the Shoshone tribe.


views updated May 18 2018

bannock A flat round cake made from oat, rye, or barley meal and baked on a hearth or griddle. Pitcaithly bannock is a type of almond shortbread containing caraway seeds and chopped peel.


views updated May 18 2018

bannock flat round loaf. OE. bannuc (once); XV in north. Eng., XVI in Sc.; perh. orig. — OBrit. word repr. by Bret. bannac'h drop, bit.

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