
views 1,554,300 updated May 17 2018

volute. Spiral scroll, of which there are normally four on the Ionic capital, eight on the angular and Composite capitals, and smaller types, sometimes called helix, on the Corinthian capital. It is also a distinctive element of the ancon, console, and modillion, where, like the Ionic capital, it resembles a rolled-up mattress.


views 3,820,083 updated May 17 2018

vo·lute / vəˈloōt/ • n. 1. Archit. a spiral scroll characteristic of Ionic capitals and also used in Corinthian and composite capitals. 2. a deep-water marine mollusk (Voluta and other genera, family Volutidae) with a thick spiral shell that is colorful and prized by collectors.• adj. forming a spiral curve or curves: spoked wheels with outside volute springs.DERIVATIVES: vo·lut·ed adj.



views 1,948,891 updated May 18 2018

volute spiral conformation. XVII. — F. volute or L. volūta, pp. of volvere roll.

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